The clear water of the reflecting pool shimmered like diamonds. The humidity made everything sticky, and the climbing mercury did nothing to temper the madness that came with it. Demetrius told himself he never intended for things to go as far as they did. He had always tried to maintain a calm and even demeanor as was demanded of him by breeding and upbringing. In stark contrast to his lifelong training, he lay half on and half off the stone bench surrounding the pool and stared into the water, tears streaming down his soot and blood covered face.
"The Reflecting Pool" by Jess Hanna Works by Jess Hanna: Adverse Possession The Road to Hell The Crossover Alliance Anthology: Volume 2 Music Composed by Kerry Kelso Good Snakes Flash Fiction Contest (Blame for the "95 Theses Rap" lies solely on the producer)
Story: “Trans-Reptilian” by Nathan James Norman
Article: "Does the Bible Say Snakes are Evil?" by Jonathan Garner Genre: Science Fiction Rating: PG
Tears don't fall in space. They just pool around your eyes. At least… that’s the case if you’re a human. Us snakes don’t cry. Our tears just drain back into the roofs of our mouths.
"Trans-Reptilian" by Nathan James Norman The Orchard Church "Does the Bible Say Snakes are Evil?" by Jonathan Garner "The Earl King" Episode 53 of Untold Podcast by Jonathan Garner Reviews by Peter Christian Fiction Reviews by Peter Younghusband Good Snakes Flash Fiction Contest |
November 2023