Story: "Voyages of the USS Sasquatch: First Flight" by Charles W. Russell
Genre: Science Fiction Rating: PG
Written by: Charles W. Russell
Directed by: Brandon Butler (with Jaron Belboda) Featuring the voice talents of: Brianna Summers - Noel Merritt Tomas Guitierrez - Scott J Pigg Capt. Gabriel Jessup - Glen Hallstrom Maxwell Lynch - Kevin Powe Dr. Elyssa Leeds - Deborah Adams Moose - Tripp Hurst T'Chak - Rish Outfield Vashon - Kim Gianapoulos Alpha - Laura Frechette Path Commander - Robert Brown Sound Design- Jaron Belboda Music from and Kevin MacLeod with SFX: Produced by: Paeter Frandsen, Jaron Belboda, and Ken Harmeyer This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
Story: "DSI Files: Unlucky Seven" by Steven "Sash" Scott
Genre: Science Fiction, Supernatural Rating: PG-13
Cast -
Church- Josh Wilson Val- Morris P. Rungano Chief- Terry Bruce Observer- Steven "Sash" Scott Agent & Pedestrian 2- Brandon Butler Mary- Shari Armstrong Tully & Computer- Al Aseoche Thug- Russell Scott Pedestrian 1 & Announcer- Paeter Frandsen Homer- Jaron Dael Belboda Music by Kevin MacLeod, with "How Deep The Father's Love" produced by Carlton Forrester Sound Effects and Foley by Jaron Dael Belboda and Audio Micro. effects by- fogma, RHumphries, m_O_m, Audio Micro, Reinsamba, UncleSigmund, mattew, DJ_Chronos, Suonho, sdfalk, FreqMan, sidadrumbum, JustinBW, HerbertBoland, qubodup, Robinhood76, Arctura, plagasul, roscoetoon, Dynamicell Produced by Jaron Dael Belboda and Paeter Frandsen Directed by Jaron Dael Belboda Image by Steven "Sash" Scott
Story: "Untold: Alliances" by Nathan James Norman
Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror Rating: PG-13
Written by Nathan James Norman
Cast- Glen Bartram as Gareth Gareth Bowley as the Bishop Scott Wentworth as Koel and the Demon Kevin Powe as Dathus Channe Nolen as the Narrator Brandon Butler as the prisoner Featuring Music By- Kevin MacLeod, J Underberg, Victor Stellar and Alex Kapteyn. Baritone Ukulele performed by Brandon Butler. effects provided by: hanstimm, FreqMan, HerbertBoland, JustBW, WIM, ljudman, pcaeldries, connum Produced by Brandon Butler and Paeter Frandsen Directed by Brandon Butler Stock photo provided by "nelshael"
Story: "At The End of the Time Jump" by Brandon Barr
Genre: Science Fiction Rating: PG
Written by Brandon Barr
Read by Christina Boyd Music by Taylor Kent Produced by Taylor Kent and Paeter Frandsen Mixed and Directed by Taylor Kent Image by Steven "Sash" Scott |
SBUAThe Spirit Blade Underground Alliance is dedicated to creating original Christian science fiction, fantasy and horror stories that share a biblical viewpoint! All created by an online volunteer community supported by Spirit Blade Productions. Categories
April 2015