Story: "Black Earth: End of the Innocence (Excerpt)" by David N. Alderman
Genre: Science Fiction, Apocalyptic, Horror, Strange Rating: PG-13
Shimmering white hair danced around her head, the strands like banners of light shifting with the rhythm of the dark wind. Warm air whipped at her skin with intense prejudice, the night’s single desire for her to die. To Pearl’s dismay, immortals could not be killed by mere wind, otherwise she would have been put out of her misery long before this moment.
"The Spigot - A Post Black Earth Story" by David N. Alderman The Crossover Alliance Works by David N. Alderman: The Black Earth Series The Expired Reality Series The Crossover Alliance Anthology Submissions
Story: "Beast" by Mark Carver with Michael Anatra
Genre: Thriller, Horror Rating: PG-13
Beast synopsis:
"Beast Excerpt" by Mark Carver with Michael Anatra Works by Mark Carver: The Age of Apollyon Indelible Cyn The Jerusalem Chronicles
Story: "The Silver Dance" by Nathan James Norman
Genre: Fantasy, Supernatural Rating: PG
_ I was little more than a pup back when the vamps began overwhelming the central territories. Up until then, the wolves and the ‘pires had an understanding: The bloodsuckers stayed near the coasts, n’ the wolves ran the interior of this great country. But something snapped inside ah’ them. Maybe it was their desire to conquer. Or maybe it was their god’s hatred of the High Spirit. But I think it was on account of their low food supply. They ate the humans, and we wolves protected them. You ask me, I reckon they were mighty hungry when they reached our end of Arizona.
"The Silver Dance" by Nathan James Norman The Orchard Church
Produced by Paeter Frandsen
Spirit Blade Productions Christian Geek Central Originally Appearing on The Spirit Blade Underground Podcast - Episode 199
Story: "Mission from the Dark Side . . . of the Galaxy" by Mikel Withers
Genre: Science Fiction, Strange Rating: PG
The Corridigan Galactic Cruiser, Shmargee VinDarr cut through space like a hot knife through butter, except easier because there was less resistance from empty space than a knife, even a hot one, meets with butter.
"Mission from the Dark Side . . . of the Galaxy" by Mikel Withers "The Gnomes and the Pit" by Mikel Withers - Episode 25 Christian Geek Central Cover Attribution: Remixed from “Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt at Night (NASA, International Space Station Science, 10:28:10)” NASA Goddard Photo and Video |
November 2023