Story: "Cold Moon Christmas" by The Brothers Norman: Tim Norman & Nathan James Norman Genre: Strange, Fantasy, Horror Rating: PG-13
Kingsley, Michigan 2015 Credits:
"Cold Moon Christmas" by Tim Norman & Nathan James Norman as The Brothers Norman Nathan James Norman Support Us on Patreon
Ouranos, did you know? Credits: "Who Argued for My Soul?" by R. E. Diaz Works by R. E. Diaz "A Measure of the Depth" "Temple of the Rephaim" Support Us On Patreon "How to Bury a Child Molester" by Nathan James Norman in The Crossover Alliance Anthology Volume 4
“I don’t care if you are bigger than me. These are my noodles.” Parker the chicken stood in protection over the spilled bowl someone had left behind in Hong Ba alley. Credits:
"The Streets of Hanoi" by Nathan James Norman The Orchard Church "The Streets of Hanoi" is dedicated to all of our faithful Patreon supporters: Jason Brannon Fred Himebaugh Clayton Webb Jen Finelli Parker J. Cole Laura VanArendonk Baugh Nathan and Casey Butler Support Us On Patreon
Maybe you've heard of my Uncle Jesus. A lot of people say crazy things about him. One lady asked me if he shot fire out of his eyes and I was all, "Whut? That's whacked, lady!" And then I got into trouble for being disrespectful. I gotta watch it. In Israel 28 AD, you piss off the grown-ups too much and they'll get that whole rock throwing thing going at you, and my dad would be glad to help. Credits: "Uncle Jesus" by Michele Archer Michele Archer on MeWe MuseItUp Publishing "School of the Exorcists" by Michele Archer - Episode 41 "Dale, Me, and the Speed Demon" by Michele Archer - Episode 54 Works by Michele Archer: Danny Doc Dilly and the Dangerous Duck The Calling of Mike Malone Support Us On Patreon Sound Effects Attribution: "birds in the pecan tree" by wjoojoo
“It is the worse time to be a clown.” I said to Doodle. Credits:
The Redemption of the Clown by Nathan James Norman Originally written for the sermon I Am Right - Proverbs 22:1
“How much longer we gotta walk?” Credits: "Serpent Quest" by Laura L. Zimmerman Caffeinated Fiction Works by Laura L. Zimmerman Flash Fiction God's GPS (Devotional) The Drive-By (Devotional) Reviews by Peter Christian Fiction Reviews by Peter Younghusband "Serpent Quest" was written and produced for the Good Snakes Flash Fiction Contest hosted by Untold Podcast
“Name, please,” the figure in the helm rasped. Credits:
"Dragon Claus" by Stephen L. Rice Full Biography Ansric Blog "Dragon Claus" Free Digital Version (with visual puns!) List of Works by Stephen L. Rice Reviews by Peter Christian Fiction Reviews by Peter Younghusband Good Snakes Flash Fiction Contest
Having a green butt makes you a bit of a celebrity, and a bit of an outcast. If you're going to work on traffic lights, green is the best color to have. Green, yellow, red. Green is on top. Green is the king! Some sods say the order is Red, Green, Yellow, but that makes no sense. No car waits for a yellow light. The yellow light is just a transition to red.
"The Butts in the Traffic Light" by Nathan James Norman The Orchard Church
And Lo!
Story: “SFC Wolsey I” by Mikel Withers
Genre: Strange, Science Fiction Rating: G
Amadeus' lean frame practically flew up the ladder to his control station on the SFC Wolsey MK.I. His crew, likewise, scurried to their places in excited anticipation. The weather had turned, and it was time to take the hope of their race out on its first active mission.
"SFC Wolsey 1" by Mikel Withers "The Will of the Time Traveler" by Mikel Withers - Episode 47 "The Gnomes and the Pit" by Mikel Withers - Episode 25 "Mission from the Dark Side . . . of the Galaxy" by Mikel Withers - Episode 32 Christian Geek Central Deadbolt Escape Rooms |
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