Metal screamed and glass fragmented backwards through Lizzie’s vision, rushing in upon itself, each shard finding its own place in the windshield of the yellow cab. Spiderweb cracks through the glass fused and sealed into scratched clarity between the driver and the tattered wipers, choking the off-key trumpet of the car’s horn into silence. Steam rolled downwards, condensing itself into the radiator. In the middle of the intersection, the cab skidded backwards and to its right, separating itself from the grill of a city bus easily four times its size. Credits: "Look Both Ways" by Winston Crutchfield Critical Press Media Open Submissions: Fishers of Men The fisher of men has left his old life behind and embarked upon a new calling into unfamiliar territory at the express behest of a higher power. Stories suitable for this project will include a character who undergoes a life-altering experience that directly results in his decision to leave behind his old life. (Note: Submissions are still open as of November 18, 2013) Sound Effects Attribution: TasmanianPower, Julien Nicolas, avakas, THE_bizniss, musicmasta1, sagetyrtle, ngruber, hanstimm, kyles, j1987, audible-edge, LanDub
October 2024