Ouranos, did you know? Credits: "Who Argued for My Soul?" by R. E. Diaz rediazauthor.com Works by R. E. Diaz "A Measure of the Depth" "Temple of the Rephaim" Support Us On Patreon "How to Bury a Child Molester" by Nathan James Norman in The Crossover Alliance Anthology Volume 4
Story: A Light to my Path by Adam David Collings Narrator: Francisco Ruiz Genre: Science Fiction Rating: PG
Archer White stormed through the night, his shoes crunching the coarse gravel. All three moons lit this path. Pretty bright for almost midnight. Credits:
"A Light to my Path" by Adam David Collings www.AdamDavidCollings.com YouTube - Christian Science Fiction & Fantasy Bulletin Works by Adam David Collings: Jewel of the Stars - Season 1, Episode 1 "Chronostream’s Father" in Superheroes – The Crossover Alliance Anthology V3 Narration: "A Light to my Path" narrated by Francisco Ruiz Retro Rewind Podcast Francisco Ruiz on Fiverr Twitch Support Us On Patreon "A Light to my Path" was first published in the anthology: Glimpses of Light: Stories and Poems of Imagination and Hope. Edited by Jeanette O’Hagan and Nola Passmore
There was once a giant who lived on the borders of Giantland where it touched on the country of common people. Credits:
"The Giant's Heart" by George MacDonald (Originally published in Adela Cathcart, 1864) Support Us On Patreon
I zipped up my jumpsuit, adjusted the slim oxygen pack attached my shoulders, and took a deep breath. My stomach churned as I stared at my reflection in the polished metal wall. The red suit looked like a big warning beacon. Credits:
"Space Wings" by H. A. Titus www.hatitus.com Works by H. A. Titus: Forged Steel Anthologies and Collections Support Us On Patreon
“It is the worse time to be a clown.” I said to Doodle. Credits:
The Redemption of the Clown by Nathan James Norman Originally written for the sermon I Am Right - Proverbs 22:1 NathanJamesNorman.com OrchardChurch.net
I burst out of my egg, shattering the shell, and slither into the big, cold world. Warm hands are there to meet me. Human hands. They lift me up and let me share their heat. I am happy there. Credits: "King's Snake" by Jonathan Garner JonathanGarner.blogspot.com Works by Jonathan Garner "Don't Move" Splickety Magazine "Freelance Drakky Hunter" Havok Magazine "Heart of Stone" Havok Magazine Untold Podcast 53 - "Earl King" TRC Magazine Reviews by Peter Christian Fiction Reviews by Peter Younghusband "King's Snake" was written and produced for the Good Snakes Flash Fiction Contest hosted by Untold Podcast
The six-brace cargo vessel had been family’s livelihood. One wrong maneuver too near a planet’s gravity well, and it was fast becoming their graveyard. Credits: "Calculated Risk" by Steve Rzasa SteveRzasa.com Amazon Page Works by Steve Rzasa: The Word Reclaimed The Word Endangered Broken Sight Untold Podcast Episode 10 - "In the Bag" Havok Magazine Reviews by Peter Christian Fiction Reviews by Peter Younghusband "Calculated Risk" was written and produced for the Good Snakes Flash Fiction Contest hosted by Untold Podcast
“How much longer we gotta walk?” Credits: "Serpent Quest" by Laura L. Zimmerman Caffeinated Fiction Works by Laura L. Zimmerman Flash Fiction God's GPS (Devotional) The Drive-By (Devotional) Reviews by Peter Christian Fiction Reviews by Peter Younghusband "Serpent Quest" was written and produced for the Good Snakes Flash Fiction Contest hosted by Untold Podcast
“Let the lady go, Thomas,” I say, my forearm cannon armed and pointed at the man in front of me. “My backup’s already on the way. You’ve got nowhere to run.” Credits: "Standoff" by Reed Benson DeviantART The Expatriate Act Works by Reed Benson "Manhunt" by Reed Benson winner of the 2007 Fiction Award in Scop Magazine "Standoff" was written and produced for the Good Snakes Flash Fiction Contest hosted by Untold Podcast
Story: “Blood Ace" by Allan and Aaron Reini Narrator: Aaron Ochart Genre: Science Fiction Rating: PG
Dex D’Felco had every reason to feel good. His polished dress uniform shoes clicked smartly on the duranium deck plates of the United Coalition carrier Callisto as he navigated the thick press of the always-busy passageway. He nodded curtly to new subordinates making eye contact while smiling in acknowledgement to peers offering their congratulations. Typical of most Coalition Navy observances, Dex’s promotion ceremony had been short but meaningful. Under the clear panoramic dome of the Callisto’s observation lounge—the pure white void of etherspace playing havoc on reality just beyond—he had stood at attention while Captain Anton Walters pinned the UCN Medal of Valor and a new gleaming gold bar to his uniform tunic. The recognition of Dex’s heroics in the Oranos engagement had only taken two weeks to clear the customary bureaucracy, and now it was official. Dex D’Felco, the pilot who had single-handedly saved a civilian light transport from six bandits, scoring kills on three hostile Razors in the process, was now a full-fledged lieutenant. Credits:
"Blood Ace" by Allan and Aaron Reini Flight of the Angels.com Narrated by Aaron Ochart Faith Presbyterian Youtube Works by Allan and Aaron Reini Flight of the Angels Hornet's Nest (Upcoming) "Blood Ace" originally appeared in The Crossover Alliance Anthology: Volume 1 |
October 2024